do something...

I am thankful I know what to do about this:
night flowering jasmine
pull live stuff away from fence,
prune dead stuff
rake it up,
burn debris in fire pit

and this
"consider the ants..."
I have considered them,
and they are not welcome in my home,
so I put out Terro for them, give it a few days
if that doesn't work, ant bait from Mile's Exterminators
and this
one of these switches works about half the time
so I remove the plate cover
unscrew the wires and match them to a new switch
try the lights to make sure they work
replace switch cover

and a hundred other things
patching drywall
painting walls
washing the car
vacuuming the car
cleaning windows
mowing the grass
weed eating
hanging mirrors and pictures
carrying in groceries
(I am not going to list a hundred things, you get the picture)

it is all stuff I have done, 
by myself, 
for years
and enjoyed it, 
relished the fact that I could do them

but for some reason 
there are days 
when doing them seems a daunting task
sometimes it's a battle of epic proportions
to fight against the temptation to wallow in self pity

my antidote?
to pick one thing
and do it, 
"big" or "small",
it doesn't matter,
the goal is to simply do something
sometimes it motivates me to pick another thing to do
sometimes it is all I do
either way, 
I have a victory to celebrate
and the list of things to do gets smaller


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