'twas the night before Easter

'twas the night before the resurrection
and in an upper room
all the disciples were hiding
they didn't know what was coming soon

'twas dark and they felt all hope was lost
their Messiah had been crucified and buried
all of their dreams and plans were shattered
and I am sure their hearts were heavy

how often do we find ourselves
in the position of hope and purpose dashed
when all that we had planned and worked for
crumbles, burns, turns to dust or ash

aah, but the reality is though they couldn't see it, 
God's greatest work was being done
and it would be gloriously revealed
in a few short hours, with the rising of the sun

if you are in a dark, fearful, seemingly hopeless place
and you find your faith in God is shaken,
hold on tight to the Truth that another Resurrection is promised
and we cannot fathom what will happen when to it we awaken!


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