memories revisited

I started the day going through our, well now it is my, fireproof box
searching for a car title that Jonathan was sure he had,
but just in case he didn't...

in the middle of the day 
I went with his father-in-law to the old courthouse
and for the first time in my fifty seven years transferred a title

I ended the day with Beth and Sarah
going through my cedar chest full of memories
sifting, organizing, sharing, saving, purging

he isn't here
but Bill has been very much around all day
and I am comforted by the reminders of our life together

these are a few of my favorite finds:
our marriage license
the deeds to our homes
paid in full mortgage papers
birth certificates
cards and notes
his well loved puppy from childhood

so many things 
not worth much to anyone else
but valuable to me
because they all point to a life full of love
my heart overflows with thanksgiving tonight


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