
my soul heard gently whispered as I walked
and as my mind quit scrambling wildly
I thought about how different shhhh is from SHUSH

the shhhh and shush evaluation was quickly followed by
"be still"
be still does not necessarily mean quit moving
"be quiet"
quiet does not require silence 
"just listen"
"listen to me" is vastly different from "do you hear me"

When I hear "be still" I know it is time to focus on who God is as I continue walking by faith, not by sight. When I do that I may be shaken as my world is rocked, but nothing can move me from Him.

"Be quiet" is a challenge for me to respond kindly, not in kind to those who are pushy, impatient, rude, loud, ugly, arrogant, boastful or any combination of those things.

"Listen to Me" means slow down, stop if need be, and process what I have heard. It is easy to get caught up in doing, doing, doing rather than being. And we were created as human beings, not human doings.

listen to Me, be still, be quiet
practice more being, less doing


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