hard habit to break

11 windows downstairs
13 windows upstairs
24 windows in my home 

part of this remodel included new curtain rods and new curtains
I ordered the rods online and like them a lot 
Beth and Sarah put them up for me a few weeks ago

I ordered the curtains online as well, 
but getting that right is a little more challenging
length, color, style-how do you really know until you see them in person?

long story shorter:
I ordered 50 pair of curtains
that is not a typo, I ordered fifty pair

I have three small upstairs hall windows that don't need curtains 
I reused the ones I had from my room, the laundry room & playroom
I bought valances for the two kitchen windows

we used 16 pair of the new curtains for the remaining windows
which meant I had 34 pair to return
I have put it off since the girls left 

the bill is due Monday so I couldn't delay any longer
taking them to the store was another reminder 
that being married to Bill is a hard habit to break

he was always happy to return things for me, 
a chore I dislike immensely,
not because it was his favorite thing, but simply because he loved me 

I began counting how many new habits I've had to develop
not out of desire, but out of necessity
yep, having Bill here to take care of me is a very hard habit to break


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