" why?"

Andrew was the indisputable champ of this question when he was young
he probably asked it more often the other 5 combined
sometimes I thought I would lose my mind 
it made me weary

until one Easter morning I asked him to answer his own question
"Mommy, why do we look for Easter eggs?"
"Andrew, why do you think we look for Easter eggs?
he furrowed his brow and looked down at his feet for a few minutes,
deep in thought

when he looked up at me and answered; 
"because the disciples looked for Jesus' body"
I told him that was a very good reason to look for eggs-
(my answer, had I given it, was "because it's fun")

I have shared that story before
but this evening I find myself brow furrowed, full of questions 
and I guess because today is Easter my mind naturally recalled this event
and suggests to me that the answer to my wondering is
"keep finding Jesus"

Now, before you get worried, please rest assured that my relationship with God is strong and healthy. I know exactly where He is. I know I am right where I need to be. But I am feeling a little at loose ends. This week Ruth and Kyle, after much research, prayer, a visit to the Portland area, and more prayer, have found where they will be moving to begin their church planting journey, a desire that was birthed in their hearts more than two years ago. 

We have done a lot of life and ministry together while they have been in Grayson. Looking for where Jesus is working so we can join Him. Life will be very different when they move. It will be the first time I will be living without one of my children in Grayson since Bill died. But looking for Jesus is a habit, one I don't plan to break. 

  • Because without Jesus, there is no life. 
  • There are still kids (and adults) at church and at KCU to love and share life with. It will just look different doing it on my own rather than with one of the kids I birthed. 
  • And the kids I birthed and their kids, my grandchildren, are watching me. I want to be an example that points them to Jesus regardless of the situation they find themselves in.


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