priceless gifts

a simple porch visit
"girl/mom talk" with important kid conversations interspersed
a bottomless glass of ice water
a butterfly that landed on J's arm
a bouquet of wild daisies 
an offer to see the playground and tire swing
a walk to the "desert" to see the beginnings of a log cabin
an empty, whole snail shell
a few golden yellow buttercups and tiny purple flowers
an invitation to stay for dinner  
a sewing project displayed
a new room arrangement shared
an episode of Green Acres
school projects shared
a long overdue visit with friends yielded a full day of beautiful gifts  

tears of joy were shed intermittently
and tonight I have a heart full of thankfulness and wonder
at how God filled empty places I didn't realize were hollow
thank you Liz and family, 
it has been a wonderful Friday


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