learning to live as one

November 7, 2011 
maybe I have identified the subconscious tear trigger
this year Bill and I would have celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary

40 years ago in March Bill asked me to marry him
and I began the process of learning how two people
begin to "live as one"

37 years of daily practicing living as one
came to an rude, abrupt, unwelcome, screeching halt

Bill and I were not joined at the hip- 
we did not even remotely do everything together
but our lives were comfortably, securely woven together

August 29,2014-April 10, 2017
I am almost three years into this of process of learning to live as one,
as a single woman

I do not spend my days longing for or focusing on what was,
that would be a waste of time and energy
but there are moments when loss slaps my face or punches me in the gut

everyday I become more fully aware that it is exactly that-
a process, 
and it is going to take a while to learn how to comfortably do it

I know that God is always with me,
He is my Provider, Sustainer, Comforter, etc.
I also know He often uses people to be His hands and feet and arms

and so, I am thankful for those of you who love me,
who cover me with prayer and encourage me
because I know that though I am living as one, I do not live alone


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