100 days and counting 266/366

there are 100 days left in 2020
"downsizing" was my word this year
I'm seeing progress in several different areas of my life
and it started with one choice, several things, one day at a time
after 266 days, even with some lapses, there are positive, measurable differences

today, Tuesday September 22 is day #266 of 366
I am wondering-
is there something you have been meaning to start (or stop) this year,
but have put it off,
something you'd like to "track" for a designated time but a year seems overwhelming?

what about 100 days?
that is a lot less intimidating to me
especially when I think about it as days rather than weeks or months

maybe you'd like to make reading your Bible and/or praying daily a habit
or look for a way to encourage someone every day
maybe it's walking or exercising or making better food choices
perhaps it is cleaning out closets and junk drawers 
or it could be something else entirely

whatever "it" is won't happen or change until you start doing (or stopping)
so I encourage you to begin tomorrow and even if you miss a day or two,
100 days is short enough to be obtainable, and long enough to see progress
so that by December 31,2020 "it" will be a habit, 
one choice, one day at a time 


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