leaving the chipmunk life 255/366

I was gifted  four or five zucchini several weeks ago and I used them to make several loaves of gluten free chocolate chip zucchini bread. I sliced it, separated the slices with waxed paper and froze them. It is so convenient to pull out a slice or two at a time to enjoy. Pop it in the microwave for about 30 seconds if it hasn't had time to thaw before I am ready to eat it and it's like fresh. That's what I did yesterday for a snack with my tea. I took out two slices so I could also have some with my eggs for breakfast this morning. 

I finished my eggs and took a few sips of coffee before I cut the first bite and put it in my mouth. I began chewing and was stopped mid chew by the startling realization of what I found myself doing.

I had already cut the next bite and had it on my fork,  already headed to my mouth before I'd finished chewing the first bite, let alone being ready to swallow it. I wonder how often I look like a chipmunk when I eat. 

I was suddenly, painfully, aware of how this is my approach to eating and to living. 

I have something meant to add enjoyment to my life, and rather than appreciating it I too often rush ahead, not paying attention to what I'm partaking of/experiencing. 

This "aha" moment changed the way I finished that slice of zucchini bread and my day.

I slowed down. I was deliberate about chewing and thinking about how delicious it was. I savored every chocolate chip, rather than mindlessly shoveling it in and then wondering what just happened to that treat. It was a much more satisfying experience to actually taste what I was eating. I didn't mindlessly rush through my tasks today. I considered why I was working and how it might be a benefit to others. Even the mundane was more enjoyable with this mindset. I think I'll make a habit of it.


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