from 99 bottles of beer. to picture hanging.. 267/366

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall - Calendars 2021 on UKposters/EuroPosters

"99 bottles of beer on the wall,
99 bottles of beer
you take one down and pass it around
98 bottles of beer on the wall"

This little ditty from my childhood began going through my head as my mind automatically did the math of how many days are left in this year when I thought about what I wrote yesterday. I hesitated to use it as my intro and was tempted to "clean it up" and substitute coke for beer like I did when I taught it my children because I am not a proponent of beer, and with any drink I definitely wouldn't want you taking one down and passing it around! Ewwww, all those germs and backwash. Gross.

My second thought was "what one thing would I like to take from my "I'll get around to that sometime" list and finish off. Putting the correct wire on the back of a picture so it doesn't come off the wall is the job that immediately came to my mind. What about you? Is there something "small" or "big" or  somewhere in between that you did today or can do tomorrow as we countdown the last 100 days of 2020?

99 niggling tasks to be done
99 niggling tasks
you get one done, cross it off the list
98 niggling tasks to be done...


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