going past good sense 252/366

sometimes I don't have the energy to begin
and sometimes I don't know when to quit
last week was the first scenario
this evening was the second
and I hope I don't pay for it tomorrow

a few weeks ago I noticed a really cool pattern on some of the wood behind the shed
Friday I realized it probably wasn't cool at all
long story short
I have termites
Jeremy from Miles Exterminating confirmed it this evening

all weekend I worked through what I should do about the collections back there
all of the yard sale items stacked and piled, waiting to find new homes
yard tools that were stored in an extra trash can
all of the miscellaneous stuff that has no where else to go
I made a home for the yard tools inside the building Saturday

I was embarrassed when Jeremy came over to investigate
I told him I hoped to have the yard sale stuff moved before he came to spray
and after he left I got a wild hair to begin that task
when I started, my plan was to move about half of it to the porch
then begin pricing items

step count at 6:30pm(ish)

step count at 11:51pm(ish)

once I started I just couldn't stop
the good news is all of the boxes and totes have been moved,
items priced
and totes and boxes repacked and stored in a new location
bad news-I am exhausted, 
and sore
hoping 4 ibuprofen and sleep are what I need to be able to finish the job tomorrow
(and yes, I did get up and walk so I have 21,00+ plus steps)


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