when trees speak 269/366

I needed some shelf brackets to finish a project that I decided needed to be completed today so I drove to Walmart this afternoon to purchase some.  As I neared the end of the interstate exit ramp a tree across the road caught my eye. I stopped, rather than almost stopping at the sign, and took this picture. It is the first one I've noticed this year and it was the only one in that group whose leaves have already turned. Fall has traditionally been my favorite season. This said "I'm here!" and my heart danced at the striking color.

y'all already know how strangely my mind works
so it will come as no surprise that I wondered:
did it feel lonely being the only one?
I know it didn't argue with God about turning,
nature submits willingly, 
but if I were tree
and God asked me to be the first
would I balk
would I argue against His timing?

as I was driving home 
that tree came to mind and so did this:
don't look to the left
don't look to the right
don't look ahead
don't look behind
look up to the Son
let your roots run deep and grow strong 
and  when He tells you to,
don't hesitate, don't falter, don't argue:
choose to reflect His glory, 
and shine, babygirl, shine


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