when nectarines speak truth 253/366

Once upon a time, last weekend to be exact, there was a bag of nectarines nestled amongst many bags of like fruit at the store. A woman, who shall remain unnamed to protect her credibility as a responsible adult, purchased said bag of fruit as she has on her last several trips to this same grocery store because the nectarines have been absolutely delicious, and brought it home along with the other fresh food items she bought. Refrigerated items went into the refrigerator, freezer items into the freezer, pineapple and cantaloupe were left on the counter to continue ripening. Fresh fruit that is "ready to eat" always gets a bath in water and vinegar, then a rinse in clear water to clean it and is left to air dry before it goes into the fridge so it is safer to eat.  

Water, vinegar, nectarines. Same as always. And this was the result:

What do you think, based on these photos?
Are they safe to eat?
Should she take them back?
Was it the way they were stored before the lady purchased them?
Was this just a bad batch of fruit?
It doesn't seem fair to spend money on something that looks like that.
What is the right thing to do?

Well, before you get all worked up and offer an opinion or suggest a solution, you probably need the rest of the story.
Yes, it was the same fruit, from the same store, bathed the same way-with one exception. The lady forgot all about them soaking. For a couple of hours they sat in vinegar and water. And this was the result. It wasn't the fruit. It wasn't anything the store did or didn't do. It was the purchaser who caused the issue. It is her mistake to own up to.

Lessons learned:
For nectarines
Hours in a water/vinegar bath is not good for them.

In life
Don't judge by appearances.
We don't see all that went on "before".
Gather as many facts as you can before forming an opinion or making suggestions.
Own my mistakes.


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