decisions, decisions

I am not a good decision maker.

I am a great idea person-
I like to think about possibilities and what ifs.
I like to dream.

It isn't a commitment phobia.
It is the wondering if there is something better.

It is worse when it comes to being responsible
for making a decision that affects a group.
It is knowing that what is important to me is not
always the same thing that is important to others.
It is not wanting to disappoint others-
or misuse their resources.
It is knowing that I do not know everything,
I cannot control everything,
that even the best researched decisions don't always work out.

The best decision I ever made is allowing Jesus to be

That decision influences other decisions I make.

I am thankful for the help of the Holy Spirit.
For a God who loves me and is willing
to love me
to forgive me
to heal me
to restore me
when I make bad decisions.

It is the only decision I do not question myself about.
It is the only one I wish I could make for others.


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