
"The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor,
the wicked does not understand such concern."

The world tends to define poor as what is portrayed in the picture.

The righteous understand that lack of funds is not the only way to be poor.

The only way we are righteous is
by living in Christ.
It is nothing we can earn, purchase,
work for, nor deserve.
I am thankful I don't get what I deserve!

What makes the difference in our concern?

We see with different eyes.
We hear with different ears.
We feel with a different heart.
We serve with a different motivation and power.

What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Those who are not living in Christ do not "get it".

God living in us makes the difference.
If you have a relationship with Him, nourish it.
If you don't, I pray that you choose to begin one.


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