
Today the ECHS Lady Raider Soccer Team had a car wash/bake sale.

I do not know how many brownies, cookies, muffins, rice krispy treats, pieces of fudge and cinnamon bread we sold. I do not know how much pop and water we sold. I do know that we sold 44 hot dogs and would have sold more, but we ran out.

I do not know how many cars and trucks we washed and dried. I do know we washed one motorcycle.

I do not know how many people came and contributed. I do know what our largest and our smallest contributions were.

Cooperation made it all possible- from the business that allowed us to have the car wash in their lot and provided the water and buckets and supplies free of charge, to the parents and girls that worked together, to the people who patiently waited in line to have their vehicle cleaned.

All of "us" working together, all of "them" contributing, one by one as they saw fit, enabled us to collect $840 in five hours.

Cooperation. It is a wonderful thing.


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