
(This is not an official weather statement,
but based on what I have heard and seen
I believe it is true.)

A tornado touched down in Grayson today.
(And it wasn't one of my children,
nor a grandchild!)

It was an honest to goodness tornado
that uprooted trees,
twisted tops off of some,
caused roof damage,
and moved some things that normally don't move-
like the huge tent KCU uses for Summer in the Son that was held down by stakes driven at least two feet into the ground- one of the stakes traveled a hundred yards and was driven like a javelin into the ground.

The damage is patterned in some places,
but also random.

Power is out in many different places-
some restaurants and a grocery store are closed,
some traffic lights are out,
some homes are dark.

Thankfully we have not heard of any injuries or deaths.

Life is like that.
I don't understand why some people get hit big and others are not affected.
The only thing I know is that I must hold tight to God and trust that He is with me through every storm-large or small.

Lesson for today-
I can not prevent a tornado, but I can trust God to be with me through one.
(And don't take Him for granted during the calm periods of life.)


  1. I have learned that mostly the people that are affected by the tornados are the ones God knows can handle it and use the faith in Him they have to push threw it and use the tornado as an learning experience to help others as u do U are a Tornado survivor:)


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