when we all get to heaven...

Every 5th Sunday the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ in our area combine evening services and meet at one place. It was Oak Grove's turn to host and our choir director asked me to be part of tonight's choir.

As we stood on stage I watched the faces of the people while we sang "When we all get to heaven" as a congregation.

I get excited when I think about going home and I tend to smile while I sing about it.

I looked around and was surprised- there weren't many smiles.

This was a Sunday Night church service, held at a church that is not the normal gathering place for 80% of those who came, which in my mind pretty much guarantees 95% or more of the people who are in attendance go to church regularly.

Blank looks, boredom, distraction, singing because it is expected of me. Yes, I saw plenty of those faces.

But faces that glowed with anticipation and joy- those were few and far between.

Here we were, as a group, singing "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!"

I wonder- what is it that we not getting?

Are we not sure there is a heaven?
Are our hearts heavy because we don't know if we are going to heaven?
Do we not understand rejoicing?
Do we doubt that we will see Jesus?
Is victory a foreign, confusing concept?

Shouldn't the thought of being in Jesus' presence with fellow believers change our outlook?

Are we too comfortable here?
Are we not convinced Heaven is a better place?
Do we not know Him who is waiting for us?

Whatever it is, my heart is heavy tonight.
I am praying that maybe people were just too warm, or perhaps they were tired or carrying burdens that had their minds occupied and they weren't thinking about what we were singing. Because if all of them were engaged- many of them looked like they were singing a dirge or a lament, not a song of hope and promise.

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory."
Let's not wait til heaven to let our faces know it is good to smile when we sing or talk about going home.


  1. its a wonderful thing to think about at times but must admit to think of myself in Heaven wonderful but to think of people I know and love and miss w/ every breath I take being in Heaven well now instead of with me reckon I selfish that way :)

  2. I smile when I think about being home with Jesus and those I love who are already there. Sometimes it is through tears because my heart hurts. I love you Pansy girl!


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