33 years

Today Bill and I celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.
What are we doing?
He spent all day working with the auditors.
I spent the day at a leadership seminar.

1. He warmed sloppy joes for supper.
2. He is going to mow the lawn.
3. Ruth and I are going to clean the church.
4. Tomorrow we leave at 8 AM for a soccer game.
5. From Berea we are going to Westerville, Ohio to have a mini family reunion Sunday.

Definitely a far different scenario than 33 years ago!

What more is there to say?

Bill went and got Blizzards tonight!
He surprised me with a new flavor- Mint Oreo.
It was excellent!
It was nice because I am too pooped to party:)


  1. Aww Happy Anniv.. Guys and that sounds like a wonderful anniv celebration :) May God bless u and Bill with many many more wonderful Blessed years. love u


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