
I went and worked in Day Lilies at KCU yesterday from 11:30-3:00. It was so hot I would work awhile, get water and rest a few minutes. Work, hydrate, rest.

Today I decided to begin at 9:30.
I finished what I intended to do around noon and had lunch with Bill.
The break did me so much good I decided to tackle another area. By 2:30 I was so hot and tired I didn't even try to pick up the back of weeds and debris. I called the head of maintenance and asked him to stop and get it.

I came home, sat for a bit, took a cool shower and played a word game.

It is now 8:00.
The rest has done me good.
If I was following silly notions instead of good sense I would go tackle another area!

Today has been an excellent example of the power that comes from rest.
There was no way I could have continued today without the lunch break.
There is no way I would have any energy now if I hadn't listened to my body say "enough" at 2:30.

I think that God, who created our bodies, knew exactly what He was doing when He told us to work six days and rest one.

Just saying.

Makes me wonder if we would be more productive feel better if we listened.


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