
I am one of those weird people who enjoy pulling weeds.
I have been volunteering my time at KCU so the grounds will look good for the start of this fall semester.

I am thinking about how different the gardens look. Of course, if you didn't see them before you may not fully appreciate the after.

We all know that if you do not take the time and energy to pull a weed up by the roots, it will grow back stronger.

Big clumps of weeds clean up the quickest.

The areas that include day lilies take longer because day lilies require more attention, especially when it has been a long time since they were last cared for properly. Sometimes when we finished I would wonder- did the hour I just spent on that patch make a difference? Then I'd catch a glimpse of areas still undone and I knew the answer- YES, attention to detail does matter. Taking the time to pull out the dead leaves in addition to the spent stalks makes a huge difference!

I am thinking about my spiritual life tonight in light of the day's activities.

It is easy to look and see the "biggies" and ask God to forgive/remove them from my life. What is hard is giving Him permission to do the "detail" gardening in my life.
I know that when I do allow him to take out all that is dead and spent my life looks and works better. But I am sometimes too impatient and unwilling to stay quiet long enough to hear His still small voice.

I am not always willing to allow Him to do His work.

The areas in my life that I have kept Him from working closely in show it!

So tonight I am slowing down,
asking the Master Gardner to take a close look at my heart,
and granting Him permission to do His work there.

Ouch...He's pulling on something already.......


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