weeds and people, people and weeds

As I was weeding more KCU flower beds today I thought about how I have asked God to remove the weeds in my life. A comment I made in my post the other night went through my mind; "if you didn't see them before you may not fully appreciate the after."

It made me think about how we often we judge by what we see.

If a gardener had looked at our flower beds before we spent time in them this week they may very well have thought that no one cared. The grounds crew has been short staffed all summer. A lack of that knowledge may have led to that false assumption.

A master gardener would look now and see that there is more work that could be done.

"if you didn't see them before you may not fully appreciate the after."

Everyone has weeds-things they wish they didn't have growing in their lives.

A lack of information may lead to false assumptions- like "they must not care."

Some of us have had the Master Gardner working in our lives but,
"if you didn't see them before you may not fully appreciate the after."

Yes, there is still work to be done.

Rather than judge other people's lives I am going to ask God to continue His work in mine.
And if someone judges me by what they see today and tries to discourage me, all I need to remember is:
"They did not see my life before Christ. They cannot fully appreciate my life after."


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