
Commitment:(noun)a pledge or promise
What does that look like, particularly in marriage?

For many of us we repeated vows that included things like:
for better or worse- (not knowing there was no guarantee that there would be more "better" and not willing to acknowledge that "it could be worse".)
for richer or poorer-(hoping that we were starting out poorer and richer would follow.)
in sickness and in health-(who thinks about the possibilities of illness?)
Circumstances change.
Commitment does not depend on circumstance.
Commitment isn't necessary until times get tough.

Commitment means:
...hanging in there when throwing in the towel would be an excusable thing to do.
...calling on God to enable you to do what you cannot do on your own.
...praying for your marriage.
...realizing that you are not perfect either.
...looking to God, not your spouse to meet your needs.
...asking God what lessons He wants you to learn in the hard times.
...thanking God for the good times.
...trusting that God will work all things out for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.
...remaining faithful-first to God, then to your spouse, because the promise you made was not only to your spouse, but to God as well.

A broken promise leads to broken trust, hearts, lives.
I am committed to my marriage.
God enables me to remain so.


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