soccer booster president

You know what?
My life before becoming soccer booster president had:
fewer demands,
infrequent confrontations,
less drama.

Acknowledged that there was a coach.
Sat on the sidelines cheering for the girls
and questioning some of the refs calls
(or lack thereof).
Signed up
and worked my turn in the concession stand.
Sold t-shirts.
Made sure my girl was at practice.
Filled out the appropriate forms
and returned them in a timely manner.
I was interested because my child was playing.

Now I find myself:
Encouraging the coach.
Judged by people who don't know me.
Making the sign up sheets.
Designing t-shirts.
Informing parents.
Passing out and collecting forms.
Working to better our program.

Before I was a spectator of a sport.
Now I am a participant in a program.

Going to church is like that.
We can acknowledge there is a God.
As long as we sit on the sidelines
and watch others play
it is easy to be critical.

We can join the church,
but as long as we aren't part of the team
we are content to do as little as possible.

Once we fall in love with Jesus,
things change-
we encourage others;
we sometimes become a target;
we get involved in doing because
watching is not enough;
we invite others to join us in our labors;
we watch out for one another;
we communicate our goals and plans.

Leadership is much different from spectatorship.

I have ample opportunities to live the lessons I say I have learned.

I did not anticipate the struggles and joys that would accompany this position,
but I am very thankful for the works God is doing in me as I serve!


  1. Do u think that some people can still be in love with Christ and not in the church?

  2. I do think that people can be in love with Jesus and not be in the church- especially if the churches they know about are heavy on religion and neglect the reality that Christianity is a relationship with Jesus, not a religion or church attendance. I also think there are people who go to church every week, sometimes multiple times a week that are not in love with Jesus. "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going to Mc Donalds makes you a hamburger" Keith Green early 80's :)


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