lesson on needs

Yesterday our church family gave very generously and we were able to get some things for the four babies I have been writing about.

Today I was part of delivering the mattresses and taking 4 pillows, 4 soft fleece blankets (so each of them would have their own),and bedding for the bunk beds. New tennis shoes and socks were also part of the mix.

When I got to the house the oldest boy helped unload the mattresses and then came out to help unload my trunk. As his arms were hanging with bags and he reached to help carry two of the pillows I asked,
"Do you need new pillows?"
"Well, we don"t need them, but we can sure use them."

Perspective makes a huge difference in what we perceive as a need.
I thought the babies needed pillows.
This young man knew that life might be easier with them, ("we sure can use them"), but they were not a necessity.

I am convicted.
How much of what I think I need is really is no more than something I can use.


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