mbs=momma bear syndrome

I have momma bear syndrome really bad right now.

A boy hurt my girl.
It has been almost a year
and the other night he came and apologized.

Basically I told him
"I forgive you but I don't trust you.
And your behavior lately has not done you any favors."

I am wondering where to go from here.
This boy seems to think I should welcome him back into our lives with open arms.

That would be much easier to do if he had hurt me.
But he hurt my baby girl and he broke my trust.

I told her
if it came down to being nice to him
or protecting her-
I will protect her.
Every time.

Behavior forgiven- yes,
Behavior forgotten- no.

Trust broken is a long time restoring.


  1. exactly I wish I could sink that into my grls heads but they dont seem to get it either.


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