
Our boys HS soccer team is in a rebuilding year.
I watched them play tonight.
They did okay, but you can definitely tell they graduated six starters last year.

Have you ever been involved in a home remodeling project?
It is a lot like rebuilding.

The dangers of rebuilding/remodeling that I see are
(1) discouragement...
getting distracted by what used to be.
(2) frustration...
of what it could be "if only".
(3) unrealistic expectations...
thinking things should be better than they are too quickly
or thinking that things will never get better.

It is the same with our lives-
when we say something that deeply hurts a friend or family member;
when we do something stupid or selfish that destroys a relationship;
when we believe that we are going to be in a demanding/draining/ or difficult circumstance for the rest of our lives-
or when we are fooled into thinking that the "easy life" we are experiencing right now is due us.

Rebuilding is part of life.
If we stay the same we become stagnant.
What is old and useless needs to go.
What is good and fruitful needs pruned so it remains healthy and productive.

If you are in a rebuilding time in your life-
hang in there;
focus on Jesus and what God expects from you;
determine to please Him;
ignore the doomsayers;
rest in God's grace and allow His kindness and mercy to pour over you.
Give yourself time and give God permission to do His work in you;
allow Him to heal you, to make you stronger, to transform your life.

Don't dwell in the past or get caught up in "what ifs";
Know that it is a new life He is giving;
embrace the future hope we have in Jesus!


  1. very well spoken lol written. I think that we are always in a process of rebuilding something in our lives. Be it relationships with friends or family or our personal walk with God or some other facet of our busy hectic lives. Which stinks bc it makes me wonder if there is a calm lol well maybe when we get to Heaven ..


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