ambushing triggers

I am going to stop trying to figure out triggers
it is a waste of time and energy
there is no rhyme or reason,
like ambushes
I don't see them until it is too late to avoid them

Friday, a few miles outside of Millersburg I started crying,
it made absolutely no sense-
that was my place to go and visit, 
not "ours"-
these were my friends who accepted him,
not the other way around 
like so many of the people in my life

when Chris wrapped me up in a hug
the waterworks started again
his wife scolded him and asked what he had done or said
and I explained there was no reason, 
I should have added that sometimes my eyes just leak

sitting in a recliner in a quiet corner so I could concentrate this weekend,
computer on my lap
working away on my blog post
or working on a photo project
tears fell randomly

another hug from Chris Sunday morning with an invitation to spend another night-
more crying

driving home today, 
an hour from home,
passing B Dubs I almost started boo-hooing again

we had never been there 
but I had a vivid flashback to sitting there with the girls soccer team
a few weeks after Bill had died
and needing to leave and go sit in the van,
sobbing before I ever made it out of the restaurant
and after about 30 minutes calming down enough to go back in
and ordering celery sticks for dinner because nothing else sounded good

I have accepted the reality that tears are simply a normal part of my life 
and I can accept that fact
or I can fight against it
which would be like boxing the wind,


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