Good Days and Bad Days-redefined

It is no secret, if you follow my posts,
that the past few days have been rough, teary days.
This morning my son-in-law asked how I was-
"better than yesterday morning" was my reply.
No sooner were the words out of my mouth 
than I had an "ah-ha!" moment.
I find myself challenging the definitions of bad and good days.

What makes a day "bad"?
Is it when the tears won't stop flowing?
or is when we bottle them up 

  • because they make us red eyed and snotty nosed
  • because our pain makes other people uncomfortable
  • because we equate tears with weakness
  • because we are afraid of being honest

What makes a day "good"?
Is it when there are no tears, no overwhelming pain?
or is it when we embrace the tears and pain

  • because they are part of the experience of grief
  • because they are part of the healing process
  • because we are willing to be transparent
  • because we are strong enough to say "I am hurting"

Most of society won't understand,
and I realize it would be counter cultural to embrace this idea-

but I am wondering if we need to stop and consider
that every day that God allows us to draw a breath is a gift,
an opportunity to draw closer to Him,
through pain and through joys.
And being closer to Him is always a good thing.

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, 
coming down from the Father of lights, 
with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."
James 1:17


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