good morning

There is something about waking up to sunshine
that encourages me, automatically makes my day better, 
especially when that morning follows a couple of all gray days.

I think I am on my way to having someone new as a regular part of my life.
But I am going to have to swallow my pride if our relationship is going to grow,
or be stealth and ask someone her name
because it is the woman who asked to sit with me Tuesday.
I do not remember for sure what she said her name was
because I was taken off guard that morning
and driven to survival mode of introvert-ed-ness. 
( introvert-ed-ness : my personal, contrived word for times when I withdraw into my shell mentally, like a turtle, as a means of self preservation.) 

I half expected to see her this morning.
She tentatively asked if it was okay if she sat with me.
My heart broke a little when she added;
"If you don't want me to sit with you, just let me know..."
I felt a certain satisfaction in knowing I could ease her discomfort
because I know what that uncertainty feels like and I smiled as I said;
"You are more than welcome".
We chit chatted a few minutes,
service began and when it was over
I was able to sincerely say;
"It was good to see you again this morning."

I sit here this afternoon wondering:
What made the difference today?
I was in the same exact same place
surrounded by the same people
at the same time of day.
Was it the sunshine?
Was it being past the awkwardness of an initial introduction?
Was it different songs?
Was it being prepared?

Who knows.
I do know I am thankful for an easier morning 
and the courage to put someone else at ease.


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