impromptu date

Thursday I was irritated, 
pushing toward angry, 
all day and evening
there was no cause, 
I just was

Friday held alternate surges of sadness and determination 
I did most of the things I had planned
and added a couple in place of ones I didn't have the energy for

as I left Lusby Center after dinner in the caf
a few flakes of snow drifted before my eyes
and I decided to walk a lap around campus, 
hoping it would turn into a snow-globe like experience
sadly, it didn't

I came home and attacked the stack of paperwork that was left on the bar
I had made a dent throughout the day
but there were lingering things to tackle
as I closed the curtains in the library after filing some things
I noticed a few more flakes,
a random flurry,
and stood for a quick minute to watch 

I made a cup of hot chocolate to enjoy before I moved to my on-line tasks
as I sat and sipped it, 
enjoying the rich taste afforded by adding extra cocoa mix,
I was filled with regret for not watching the snow fall longer
it isn't something that happens on a regular basis here
and it is a sight that never fails to cause my heart to leap with joy
I had squandered a gift, an opportunity

hot chocolate and computer work finished
I took my cup to the kitchen to rinse it and put it in the dishwasher
as I looked up, out the window over the sink, behold!
I smiled at another snow flurry, 
stronger than the earlier one

I stood for a moment
considering how much fun it would be to walk in
looked at the clock
10:45 PM
and made a decision
it might be too late to be walking alone
but it was not too late to bundle up and sit on my porch

though I had a coat and scarf on
for good measure I took two blankets out with me,
sat in a chair against the house to help block the wind
wrapped my legs in one blanket
and covered my front with the other

I snuggled in, still, quiet, mesmerized, 
watching the snow in the street light
as it fell,
then swirled,
and on updrafts tumbled over and over itself,
a beautiful, 
reckless dance

as I sat, alone, 
the longing for company to enjoy the sight before me 
was almost overpowering

who could I call that would think sitting 
in the dark
in the cold 
late at night
watching snow fall
was fun
there is my sister-in-law Mary,
she would join me in a heart beat
but she lives about four hours away

a huge sigh 
and suddenly 
I had a date

Sam came and sat beside me
his nose in my lap
those beautiful eyes looking up at me

I scratched his ears 
and rubbed his neck
he licked my hand 
and kept me company
we both miss Bill

about the time my knees and back were reminding me they have arthritis
the snow slowed
Sam left my side to do a perimeter check,
protecting me,
letting something by the fence know it wasn't welcome here

it occurs to me that sitting there,
doing "nothing",
was the most productive work I did all day
Sam needed the company as much as I did
my soul was refreshed, 
filled with wonder,
I came in the house with a heart overflowing with praise and thankfulness


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