
I saw excellence in an unexpected place this morning
it was at a basketball game
no one shot 100%
no one pulled down all of the rebounds
no one inbounded the ball perfectly
no one played perfect defense
on one was over four feet tall

I was at an Upward Basketball game of kindergartners 
watching five and six year old boys and girls
some played with enthusiasm
some played with skill
some played distracted 
one decided he would rather watch than play
the coaches are patient men

my grand daughter Willow was playing
actually it would be more accurate to say she took up space on the court
she is not one of the skilled, focused players
however, her best friend Will is
he happens to be the son of one of the coaches 

it was the fifth of six time periods of play
Will had scored several times
on his way back to play defense 
Sarah, Ruth and I heard him tell Willow, 
as he hugged her,
"next time I get the ball I am going to give it to you"
and the next time down the floor he did just that
he went to Willow and handed her the ball
she shot and missed

Will and the other two on the floor hurried back on defense
Willow, not so much
he rebounded the ball
brought it down the court
and again, sought out Willow,
took her the ball
she shot and made the basket!

the other adults watching cheered as loud as we did
Sarah, Ruth and I sat with tears in our eyes
as Will and Willow hugged each other
he was as excited or maybe more excited than she was
he displayed excellence of character
and I am praying he keeps that...
I am also wondering if arranged marriages are making a come back?
Willow is # 2
Will is # 4
Coach Coffey, Will's dad, is facing them


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