do what feeds your soul

doing what feeds your soul on a regular basis 
I am not talking about those occasional trips to _____ (you fill in the blank)
I am talking the nitty gritty you've got to have it or you"ll perish feeding

doing that kind of feeding can be hard
it can be hard to identify
it can be hard to give yourself permission to do

the logistics to make it possible
may take time to plan
may be difficult to manage

doing what feeds your soul
can be work to someone else
can make your friends and family cringe to consider for themselves

Today I was in the library feeding my soul working on Bible study lessons
developing a devotional thought to share with KCU's Women's BB team Friday
considering lesson plans for a week of camp in July 

doing what feeds your soul is just that

doing (active, requires engagement)
what feeds (energizes, grows, matures)
your soul (YOUR soul, your SOULYour Soul)

Over the years I have learned
the activities vary
the frequency varies
no one can do it for me
I have to take ownership, I am responsible to make sure it is done

daily time with the Lord
time spent in quiet contemplation
           of Him, His Word, His work, His handiwork
time spent with people I love
this is the stuff that makes my soul say Ahhhhh...


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