growing and changing

"cheeeese" he said
as he handed me my phone
to take a picture of his animals smiling

moving, changing, growing 
are words that come to mind 
as I sit here watching my 21 month old grandson
he is in constant motion
interacting with his toys, 
which for a child are really tools for learning,
inviting us to enter his world,
sometimes intelligible, sometimes not,
and when he knows exactly what he is asking and we do not,
well, sometimes it gets a little ugly
he plays hard and when he is tired 
I have heard him ask his mama to "help"
"are you ready to go to bed and rest?"
"yes" and he heads toward the stairs

life is perpetual change
sometimes I have to invite new people into my world
and sometimes I accept invitations to venture new places
and each time I choose to enlarge my environment, 
I learn something new, I grow

moving, changing, growing
even though I know they are necessary,
I am not always a big fan 
so I pray,
"Lord, please grant me what I need..."
sometimes it is courage,
sometimes it is energy,
sometimes it is a new perspective,
sometimes it is encouragement
sometimes it is perseverance
sometimes it is strength
sometimes it is boldness
sometimes it is reassurance
sometimes I don't know what it is-
but He always does and He faithfully provides

sometimes I try to communicate, 
I can't get the right words out,
people don't understand,
and it can get a little ugly
until we get it sorted out

sometimes, especially when I can tell I am grumpy,
I have to simply stop,
and say "help"
as I head to the stairs and my quiet place,
seeking the rest I only get from being alone with my Father

Speaking of changing and growing,
this little girl started out the other direction.
She isn't three months old yet...


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