I Want More!

often the choice between two options 
is made for me by answering:
"What do you want more?"

To learn to dance...
or to not risk getting laughed at by looking like a fool?
this is answered every time I sit on the couch and watch "Just Dance"

That food treat...
or for there to be less of me to love?
I am trying to make more choices so that it is less of me

To be content to just watch life...
or to jump in and participate?
I am working on facing new situations more often

To hold on to "what ifs"...
or trust that the One who has been faithful in the past will remain faithful
past experience has made it easy to choose more trust

to rest...
or strive aimlessly
choosing real rest takes more effort, energy and concentration

What do I want more of in my life?
I say that:
I want more Jesus.
I want more energy.
I want to be in better shape.
I want more time with those I love.
I want more living and less existing.
I want more self control and less binging.
I want more chance taking and less "safety".
I want more awareness of the presence of God every day.
The truth is:
The choices I make reflect what I really want more.


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