Benjamin's Birth Day and Mixed Birthday Memories

Jonathan and Benjamin 2/22/14

February 22, 2014,  Benjamin William Bondurant arrived.
His was not an easy delivery for him or his mama.
(Or his daddy, grandma Donnette or birthing team.)
At one point I was on my knees in tears, begging God for wisdom for those working to get him here and for the lives of my daughter-in-law and grandchild. I also prayed if they could not stay here with us, that God would give the rest of us what we needed to remain faithful to Him. We could have lost both of them. I have watched Benjamin grow and mature "normally" and praised God all year. It could easily have been a very different outcome. Memories of his birthing day have swarmed all day. The anticipation, the excitement, the stress, the tears of fear, the praying, the tears of praise, the thanksgiving, the relief, the joy on Bill's face as he held Benjamin for the first time. 

Bondurant family reunion celebrating Mom and Bill's birthdays June 2014

Jonathan, Jess, Addi and Benjamin came into town this evening with pizza and cake to celebrate his first birthday. When they took off his coat I read his shirt -"Grandpa's MVP". I am pretty sure it is an outfit I bought for him from Bill. Memories of being on my knees praying as I stared death in the face for the second time in one year, just six months ago, invaded. Grandpa isn't here to celebrate the first "Bondurant" boy's birthday. We celebrated Bill's birthday early along with his mom's at a family reunion in June, so when July 21 came it was just me and him so we took cake out to Jonathan and Jess's. The last picture I have of Bill celebrating a birthday is with him holding Benjamin on his lap as he prepared to blow out his candles. The dam broke. I retreated to my room and fell on my knees praying, once again, "God give me what I need to remain faithful."

Happy First Birthday  
Benjamin William Bondurant!

Bill's last Birthday- July 21, 2014

Happy Birthday as sung 
by the Bondurant Singers-
there is a reason 
we do not take our show on the road :)
You will see the video if you click the  word Post


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