the one thing grief has not changed

Grief has changed a lot of things in my life.

There is an increased dependence on others.
"Thank you for my family and friends."

There is less reluctance to cry when I need to.
"Thank you for soft Kleenex."

There is an increased desire to spend time with the Lord.
"Thank you Father for making me Your beloved."

There is less drive to accomplish "things".
"Thank you for time with people."

Grief has changed a lot of things in my life.

I am more aware of the value of every day.

I am more intentional in my relationships.

I am more bold in talking about eternal matters.

I am more thankful for the life I shared with my husband.

Grief has changed a lot of things in my life.

There is usually at least one time daily when I ask,
"Will there ever again be a day pass that I do not cry?".

There are many times a week when I say,
"I am thankful the ugly cry, the sobbing is not continual."

There is at least one time every single day when I think,
"My husband is never going to be by my side again."

There are multiple times most days when I think,
"God is here. God sees. God knows. God cares."

One thing grief has not changed:
I trust God to provide 
what I need each day.

God is good. All the time.
All the time, God is good.


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