It's the little things...

It's the little things...

Hearing one of my children-
of my womb or heart-
say the words 
"I love you mom"

One of my kids choosing to sit by me 
or inviting me to sit with them

A loved one sharing life with me

An arm or hand held out for me to hold

Knowing whose arm or hand I can grab 

Messages saying "I am praying for you"

A smile

A "knowing" look

Shared scripture

Feedback from posts

A hug

Shared tears

Soft kleenex


Splashes of color

Promises kept

A throwback to Beth, Sarah and Deborah's childhood:

I have seen God and experienced His love
through the love of His people.

"No one has ever seen God; 
if we love one another,
God abides in us and His love is perfected in us."
I John 4:12


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