when normal is interrupted

My normal bedtime routine was turned upside down August 29, 2014
"Jobs" that were Bill's are now mine
Friday 1:30 AM I began what has become my normal routine:

First interruption: Need to make sure dogs have unfrozen water 
Fill wood stove
Screen doors locked
Doors locked
Deadbolts locked
Porch lights off

Throws/blankets folded
End tables free of clutter
Computer plugged in
Lamps off
Tea mug to kitchen

Dishes in dishwasher
Table, counters, stove wiped
Fill Brita Pitcher- 
Second interruption of the night:
Water coming out of kitchen faucet is muddy brown,
That is NOT going in my pitcher
Oh well, too late to do anything, I will deal with it in the morning

Sub zero temps are forecast-
Third interruption:
Leave water dripping from faucets and tub so pipes don't freeze
Remember times of hanging blankets over doors to keep warmth in
Thankful for new windows and exterior doors

Brush teeth, etc.
1:45 AM Almost done
Fourth interruption: electric goes out, quit counting interruptions
Fumble for flashlight
Check neighbors houses-can't tell if it is just me 
Streetlights still on

Light a large candle for hall in case anyone gets up in the night
Light large candle for bar at bottom of steps for same reason
Wonder if neighbor is okay, hope she is snug in her bed, asleep

2:09 AM Call electric company-recording says 
"outages in...Grayson...power estimated to be restored by 9:30 AM check website for details"
Get computer-no Internet access, what in the world? 
Ahhh, yes, no electric, no Internet
Try to use hot spot from phone, doesn't want to connect

Wake Sarah and family? No, they are all snug in bed, let them sleep

Grab special pillow from Tina Carper so I can attempt to sleep 
Shut doors to unused bedrooms, office and playroom
Fill wood stove
Thank God for stove and wood fairy
Pray for Vincent and other homeless people 

2:30 AM-3:30 AM try to get comfortable and sleep
3:30 remember one of grandkids flip beds is in playroom, retrieve
Check candles
Check dripping water
Grab another blanket
Finally sleep

Dark thirty AM-someone is outside stomping and banging
"Maybe Jonathan stopped to check on H/A unit"
Check phone, 5:38-too early for Jonathan, must find out who it is
Get up
Look out window, lineman is in the yard, on phone?
Hopeful, wait...
No electric yet

Add wood to stove
Doze in and out, it is getting colder

7:50 hear Kourtney's alarm
Move to couch, grab a different blanket
7:52 text Kourtney, "power out, don't shower"
7:53 text Kourtney "Don't drink the water, it was muddy brown"
Mental plan for meals- KCU Cafeteria
8:07 call AEP , power estimated to be restored by 1:30PM
8:15 text Andrew
They have power so we can take kids there when they wake up
Talk to Kourtney when he comes down
Kourtney leaves for work

Go upstairs and lay with Sarah and Willow
Talk, plan, rest, doze
10:00 kids get up
10:10 I get an invitation to go to lunch with friends
11:00 AM power comes back on
12:15 lunch for me at Mexican restaurant

1:30 return, realize that hot water in kitchen doesn't work
Check bathrooms and laundry room-all okay
Leave kitchen hot water faucet dripping
Hope and pray line does not freeze completely and burst
Check throughout the day, no change
Leave cupboard doors open with fan blowing warm air
Faucet still dripping, take that as a good sign, leave on
Since it is supposed to warm up through the night, line may thaw

Sleep in
Dress for day
11:00 AM Saturday-hot water in kitchen is working, praising God!

What did I learn? 
It is easy to take basic necessities for granted
I am better prepared for potential emergencies than I realized
I can stress and react or I can stop, take a minute and assess-
Is this an emergency or an inconvenience?
I can do what is necessary
Knowing you have people to call if you need them is reassuring
Hoping for the best rather than expecting the worst leads to much less stress


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