heart gifts

If you were to make a list of your heart gifts,
what would make the cut?

Donnette's list of heart gifts

My engagement ring, wedding band and my anniversary ring.

I have a mug one of my college girls  gave me for Christmas years ago. It has a picture of all six of my birthed children on it. Ruth is just a baby in the photo. This Christmas I received a mug from another friend-a reminder every time I use it that I am loved and prayed for.

Friends have poured countless hours into my life over the years.
My children have basically stopped their lives to help me live mine twice in the last two years.
In March of 2013 someone ran a red light and hit me. 
I had a broken wrist, broken ankle and fractured sternum.
They came home to take care of me. 
August 29, 2014 I suffered a shattered heart. They have spent a lot of time with me in the last 24 weeks, making sure I have what I need. (And often what I simply like.)

I have notes, cards, letters, messages, texts, e-mails, voice mails, 
art work that I won't part with.

Thank you Cody Sabol for my newest treasure.

Cody drew this portrait of Bill while he was on Christmas break. 
He gifted me with it yesterday. 
Last evening Beth, Sarah, Ruth, Jess, Bre and I went to Hobby Lobby. They chose and purchased what was needed to put the portrait in a frame so I can display it. 
The common factor of these gifts?
The love that motivated the giver.


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