roller coasters and living a life of love
I do not like Roller Coasters.
I am not a fan of Amusement Parks,
there is not a lot in them that amuses me.
The few things I enjoyed about them when I was young:
1) The ride where you ride standing up and the floor drops away.
I am not sure those are still around.
Weird, but they didn't scare me at all.
2) The Merry Go Round/Carousel
When I was a child my grandmother and I used to ride together at her company picnic held at Chippewa Lake Amusement Park.
3) Cotton Candy
Available just about anywhere now.
3) People watching.
Which I can do for free in any public place.
When Bill and I were youth sponsors 30+ years ago,
we took our youth group to King's Island.
The teens begged me to ride the new Roller Coaster-
The Beast.
They badgered me.
They begged.
They badgered.
They begged some more.
The things we do for love...
I finally relented and told them I would ride-
the Beastie.
Yes, the Beastie.
The little kid roller coaster.
I can assure you my hands were NOT in the air,
there were in a firm death grip on the bar across my lap.
When I made it off, barely alive,
I vowed I would never again ride a roller coaster.
Fast forward a few years.
We move to Kentucky.
KCC hosts a family event at Camden park,
an Amusement Park similar to my beloved Chippewa Lake.
How could we not take our children?
Kiddie rides-we watched our little ones have fun.
We moved over to the Major Rides.
Haunted House ride-check.
Dodgem cars- check, good one for daddy
Train Ride-check
Log Flume-check
(Which is a roller coaster that ends in water.
I am still trying to figure out why I liked that one.)
Roller Coaster-I'll pass.
"Please mommy".
Haunted House ride-check
Dodgem Cars-I'll watch round two as well
Train Ride-of course!
Log Flume-without a doubt!
Roller Coaster-
"Please mommy."
"Please Donnette."
Sometimes love motivates us to take a chance,
to do something that is hard,
simply because it is important to the one asking.
I relented.
I rode it.
I enjoyed it.
I found myself asking the kids and Bill who would ride with me next.
I put my hands in the air!
Living a life of love is like a roller coaster ride with its steep ups, diving downs, sharp curves and "take your breath away" moments.
I choose this ride,
this living a life of love,
strapped in,
hanging on for dear life,
scared out of my wits sometimes.
I choose this ride,
knowing full well that
love is hard,
love involves taking risks.
I choose this ride,
occasionally wondering why I ever thought it was a good idea.
I live this life of love with my hands in the air in prayer,
relying on God to give me what I need.
I continually find joy on this ride.
And sometimes I find myself raising my hands in sheer pleasure.
I am eager to find others who want to ride with me.
Because God is love, and loving is important to Him.
"A new commandment I give to you,
that you love one another:
just as I have loved you,
you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another.ā
John 13:34-35
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