Father's Day 2016

Father's Day is kicking my butt. I expected this year to be easier. Most of the things I am facing for the second time without Bill have been. But not this. 

I miss my dad. I miss my father-in-law. But the father I miss most is Bill.

Bill showed me what it means to be truly loved and lavishly forgiven. He was instrumental in my learning how to have a growing, intimate relationship with God. Early in our marriage he challenged me to forgive my dad. When I asked him why I should (I had a BIG hurt) he shared Matthew 6:14-15 with me.
"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."  
Bill encouraged me as I learned how to forgive and I ended up with a beautiful, restored relationship with my dad. Years later Bill ended up being the one my dad asked to explain to him how he could become a Christian. 

Bill was not afraid of hard work and long hours. He was a kind, loyal, diligent, conscientious man. He was an encourager. He lived with integrity. He provided well for our family. Most importantly, he was a man of God. 

This may be my favorite picture of us.
Ruth, Andrew, Jonathan, Deborah, Sarah, Elizabeth
Our babies aren't babies any more.
These are the ones we raised from birth and their families Dec. 29, 2012.
We've added four little ones since this was taken.
Caleb, Jabriel, me, Bill, Rashad, Charles
Some of our KCU football sons.
Some of our KCU kids at Ruth and Kyle's wedding.

Bill liked to have fun.
He joined the kids on the slip and slide.
My knight in shining armour
in his new office.

Bill's trip to Salekhard with Deborah and David
changed something for him. In a good way.

One of our favorite days was the day he and Jonathan baptized Bob.

As I was finishing posting these pictures and writing captions, trying to share a little bit of what made Bill special, I began to chuckle to myself as I remembered a conversation we had years ago.

"Bill, do we need to keep getting National Geographic?"
"Yes, I want to keep the subscription."
"We have a whole stack of them. You never have time to read them. Why should we keep paying for them?"
"I like to look at the pictures."
And so we renewed the subscription once more.

Memories can make you cry.
They can make you laugh.
I am thankful to have both kinds.
How fitting that I shared several pictures of him tonight.
A picture is worth a thousand words.


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