penny pep talk

I had a coupon that expires Sunday for the store we buy k-cups from
I found out this morning we are out of k-cups 
we need our k-cups 

also, camp begins in three weeks 
I am teaching and I needed to check out some craft ideas
it is Friday and I have felt out of sorts all day
I wanted to bury my head under the covers this evening but I didn't 
I took off to Huntington, mainly to take care of feeding our k-cup addiction 

first stop: Ollies where I got our coffee (and a few other things)
next stop: I wandered through Hobby Lobby looking at craft stuff
then meandered down the sidewalk to JoAnn Fabrics 
the longer I looked 
the slower I walked
and the more bent over I felt
I was moving at a snail's pace by the time I crossed the parking lot to my car

to be honest I was moping a bit
I have been battered and mocked this week by Father's Day 
my thoughts keep going to the 3 men I used to buy cards for
my dad, gone 13 years +
my father-in-law, gone almost 7 years
and this is my second Father's Day without Bill
I really wish I was searching for the perfect cards for them

I keep telling myself to be thankful for my memories of them
I keep reminding myself to celebrate the fathers of my grandbabies
but my heart keeps shouting "it isn't the same!" 
and it isn't
not at all

as I walked across the asphalt, 
my eyes on the ground, 
this caught my eye
and a grin started in my heart
after picking this penny up I walked a little faster,
a little straighter
a little happier 
and took myself off to Target to finish my shopping
first stop-the ladies room
as I entered the stall I was shocked by what I saw lurking in the corner
another penny!
I did NOT pick up this one
but my heart was picked up and I smiled to myself

pennies always remind me that God sees me right where I am, 
He cares about every part of my life, 
He loves me completely
and it doesn't matter if I am walking through a hard place
or find myself in a "crappy" place, He is there with me


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