unidentified enemies

I heard rustling and what sounded like a sandpaper tongue at work
as I was trying to settle into sleep last night
the quiet and stillness that accompany dark
only served to amplify what I heard
and of course it sent my mind racing

"...if there was one in the trap this morning
and there is one nibbling tonight
how many more are there?..."

"I haven't heard the trap trip
is it going to get away scott free?..."
"...wait, did it just close?..."

"...do I get up and look 
or simply wait until the morning?..."
"...is that mouse whimpering?..."

"...I don't want to know if it is still alive, I will wait..."
"...I don't want to watch it wiggle, in anguish,
not even if it is my chocolate eating mouse..."

blessed quiet
the struggle was over
I was able to relax a bit
I drifted off to sleep

when I got up 
I tentatively made my way to the trap area
and was surprised to realize I was partially relieved to see it empty
I hadn't laid there and listened to a mouse die last night
I was more surprised to see the peanut butter still intact

I sat in my glider to read my Bible, to journal and to pray
I heard the rustling start again
and realized that the shoe box that held tissue paper sitting on my ottoman,
the box I intended to move to the sewing room yesterday,
combined with the air conditioner and ceiling fan was my phantom last night

and I began to wonder
how many things do I assume about what I hear "in the dark"
based on past experience or present concern/fear
what do I mistake for threats, 
but when they are examined in the light are harmless

"You, Lord, are my lamp;
    the Lord turns my darkness into light."
2 Samuel 22:29

 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."
1 Peter 2:9-10

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