Friday night walks

they were strangers to me
and they were completely innocent
but for a split second I wanted to scream 
at the two couples walking ahead of me this evening

one couple got out of their car and when they met up they held hands as they walked toward the store
the other couple came out of the store and she waited on the sidewalk as he took their package to the car before they headed into the store next door

I was angry 
I was jealous 
I was sad 
today is one of those days where I miss Bill more than usual
"treasure one another" is what my mind was shouting

to compensate I stopped by Wendy's to pick up dinner
(the chicken blt 4 for $4 meal and my free Jr Frosty, vanilla today)
not long after I got home Ruth, Kyle, Xavier and Mia got home from their walk
the nuggets and half the fries went to Xman, (he and I always share)

and Ruth shared this video she took from their walk with Sam
and my heart began to smile, 
a big, healing, joy filled smile
as I thought about Bill and how tickled he would have been to see it


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