Mousetrap Games

We had this game when I was a kid.
I was pretty good at it.
It was more challenging to set up than it was to play.

There are not a lot of things that frighten me,
at least not things I will admit to :)
But mice-
I am not a fan. 
At all.

It may have something to do with how quickly they appear out of nowhere,
or the fact that one jumped out of a cupboard at eye level once,
I thought it was coming for my face.
Because I remember the time I cried over mouse babies.
They were in my mom's sweeper and she wouldn't let me keep them. 

As I was getting ready for bed Thursday evening, after returning from Ohio,
I saw something out of the corner of my eye-
a small, dark, beady eyed mouse was welcoming me home.
He (or she) took one look at me and ran in the opposite direction. 
I screamed. 

After I recovered,
when my heart slowed down,
I went downstairs and retrieved something I don't have much experience with.
An in my face reminder that Bill is not here.
A mouse trap.

I baited it with peanut butter, 
as I had seen him do
and set it along the wall,
as I had seen him do, 
and semi-confidently went on about my business.

I checked the trap Friday morning. Empty.
I checked the trap Saturday morning. Nothing.
Sunday morning when it was empty I thought maybe I had scared it away.
But to be safe I didn't move the trap. Monday still empty.
Then came Tuesday. I was greeted with this.

I did the only reasonable, grown up thing.
I ignored it, got dressed and went down for breakfast.
After being fortified by a good meal
and realizing I am the one in charge of such things now
I armed myself with the necessary tools to dispose of my nemesis.

Mouse Trap is not a game to me anymore.
Current score:
mom 1    mice -1
The trap is reset.
Just in case that guy has any friends still wandering around.


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