A Lesson From Willow

Willow (4) was checking her chore chart.

"Yep, I made my bed."
"Grandma made her bed."
"Mom made her bed."
"It's Noell's day to feed the animals."
"I can't really read the rest of these, would you help me mom."

Tuesday Willow helps her momma with cooking.
I am sitting in the family room enjoying 
the Salted Caramel Mocha Coffee Sarah just made for me.

I am also enjoying the conversation from the kitchen behind me.
Sarah and Willow are discussing our supper plans.
I think I heard chicken and frozen veggies.

I know I heard "we need the crockpot."
Steps to the laundry room where we store the crockpots.
"It's heavy mom."
(I could tell from her tone of voice Willow was really struggling.)
"But it isn't so heavy when we help each other carry it, is it?"
(Encouragement from Sarah.)

My mind is running and my heart is praising 
 "how true that is for me as I carry the burden of grieving".
It is heavy.

But it is lighter,
It is easier,
with the people I have in my life
helping me carry it.
How sweet it is to be loved.

 "Bear one another's burdens, 
and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Galatians 6:2

And I hear Willow's sweet four year old voice singing about Jesus:
"I believe that you are who You say You are...
You've got my heart..."

And I say "me too Jesus, me too."


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