New Normal or Reality

I have been told that I will find a "New Normal".

Like normal is something that can be found.

Normal. Hmmm.

I have never been accused of being normal.

I don't expect it will begin now.


There is nothing normal, nor can there be anything normal about learning to live single after living married for thirty seven years.

God is still God. He loves me. He will continue to use me. I need to trust Him. To rest in Him. To love Him with everything that is in me. 

My life is very different than I anticipated and would have chosen it to be. I cannot live like going back is a choice. It isn't. I have to look forward.

Simple things are not as simple as they might appear on the surface and things that look like they should be complicated, often are not.

I am responsible for making decisions about my life that I never anticipated making. And I am learning to do it and not question myself constantly.

I have a broader scope of opportunities/choices to serve now that I am making them based solely on my preferences and commitments. 

"...An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned 
about the Lord’s affairs: 
Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. 
But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband."
I Corinthians 7:34

Married life was good, not always easy, but good.
God made it so.
Single life will be good, not neccesarily easy, but good.
God will make it so.


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