Fear/Grief Strategy

Today I was able to live life without fear-
I got up, showered, spent quiet time with God,
cleaned about 8" of snow off of my car,
shoveled enough of the driveway to get the car out 
and spent most of the day in different activities on KCU's campus. 

Not every day is like today-
sometimes life looms large and menacing,
and I wish I could pull myself into a protective shell
like a turtle or snail,
and simply hide from the world.

I wonder with passing apprehension,
what am I going to do, where am I going to be
in 30 years?
in 20 years?
in 10 years?
in 5 years?
in 2016?

At times it is a challenge to consider
next month
next week 
And if I am completely honest, 
there are moments 
when "today" seems too overwhelming.

How do I keep going?
I stop the mental train wreck by focusing on God-
His character, His promises and His past faithfulness.
I breathe slowly, deeply and sing songs of praise in my head.
I remind myself that "the next thing" is all I need to focus on doing.

93.5% of the time that is enough to enable me to go on.
If it isn't, if I am still feeling like life is too big to face,
I call on my prayer warriors.
So far this strategy has worked well for me,
100% of the time.

this is one of my "battle songs"


  1. You are consistently in my prayers.

    1. thank you, the prayers of God's faithful ones are powerful!


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